Online Therapy

Online Therapy

Are You Ready For Online Therapy?

  1. Do you have a laptop, desktop PC or Mac which is 3 years old or newer?
    Older devices may struggle to run the program properly.
  2. Is your space equipped with a modern internet connection that is reliable?
    Connecting directly to your router using an Ethernet cable for wired internet is recommended though wireless networks can work fine as well.
  3. Have you downloaded Chrome or Firefox to your computer to use as your internet browser?
    Standard browsers such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge or Safari on a Mac may encounter compatibility issues with the video software as those browsers are not as up to date with modern code.
  4. Do you have access to a working webcam?
    Most modern laptops have built in webcams which will work great for online counseling! If you have a desktop PC or Mac you may need to purchase and set up an external webcam.
  5. Are you comfortable navigating computer software?
    The online portal is easy to navigate and does not require any training to use. However, those who find computers to be confusing or frustrating in general may not be a good fit for online counseling.

Don't have an account?

Please send me an email that you are interested in an online video therapy account. I will create your account and you will receive a follow-up email to complete the account setup.

The account setup must be completed before you can attend a video session.


  1. You will receive your invitation to join your telehealth session via email or text message, depending on which option you selected.
    - The email will come from ‘[email protected]
    - It will say: Your video telehealth session with Sandra Schoonover is starting now.
    Telehealth Session Resources
  2. By clicking the session link, you agree to participate in a counseling session with your provider via video session. The link will expire after 5 clicks or 1 hour.
  3. Once you enter the telehealth session, you will be prompted to speak a few words as a test to see if you can hear yourself.
  4. You will then be prompted to allow access to your microphone & camera. You must click allow.


Please note the following requirements for a successful video session

  1. Supported devices include computers, smartphones and tablets
    - Windows & Mac computers can connect using ChromeFirefox, or Safari
    -Chromebooks and Android smartphones & tablets running Android 6.0 or later can connect using Chrome
    -iPhones & iPads running iOS 12 2 or later can connecting using Safari
  2. Browser extensions may interfere with your camera or microphone and should be disabled prior to starting your session
  3. For the best experience, it is recommended that you close all other tabs and windows - especially those sharing your microphone and/or webcam
  4. The minimum internet speed recommended is 5 Mbps download and 5 Mbps upload. You can check your internet speed at speed test net
  5. You may be prompted to allow use of your computer's video camera and/or microphone. Please select Yes/Allow to enable these functions
  6. The link is valid for up to 5 clicks or 1 hour
    -For security reasons, if this limit is exceeded, please contact me to send another session request


If your default browser is listed above as compatible, please click on the link to start your video session.

If your default browser is not on the list, please copy and paste the link into the address bar of a compatible browser and hit to commence the session.

If you have difficulties connecting, please contact me for further instructions. 


Office Hours

In-Person & Online Appointments




8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm



